Why Herbal Supplements ?

When was the last time you had a headache and took an Aspirin for relief ? Were you aware the active ingredient in the Aspirin was actually discovered from the bark of the white Willow Tree ? Although todays version of Aspirin contains a man-made synthesized version of the ingredient found in this tree bark, […]

Nature’s Sunshine – The Industry Leader in Quality Health Supplements

The purpose of the natural supplement industry is to provide products that enhance and support the health and wellness of today’s modern consumer. Nature’s Sunshine has over 50 years in the health industry and is dedicated to providing the best quality ingredients, with products that produce real results when used properly. Nature’s Sunshine is known […]

Why do I wake up feeling stiff in the morning?

Nothing predetermines how our day is going to be than the quality of our sleep. Unfortunately, merely laying down to sleep for eight hours doesn’t always guarantee you’ll feel refreshed in the morning. If you swapped out your pillows so many times for the next best one, I’m here to share with you that your […]

Why is it so hard for me to fall asleep tonight?

This is a very common problem. The main reason people find it difficult to fall asleep tonight stems from the fact that they can’t seem to shut their minds off; and again, this has more to do with blood sugars and food choices. When your blood sugars are elevated, you’ll find it difficult to fall […]


Do you struggle with that 3:00 PM mid-afternoon fatigue? You’re not alone. So many of us deal with this day after day, and it’s become such a big part of our lives. When you’re constantly pushing yourself to get through your day, you might want to ask yourself: “Why?” If our energized state fuels our day […]


True Balance: A Personalized Approach True balance isn’t just about following trends or the latest diets. It’s about finding balance in the body and nurturing its innate ability to heal and thrive. Each person’s body is unique, and achieving optimal health requires understanding this individuality. That’s where a personalized approach to nutrition and lifestyle becomes […]


Have you ever wondered why it becomes harder to maintain a healthy weight as we age? Over the years, many of us experience gradual weight gain, and one key reason for this is the loss of muscle mass. As we age, our bodies naturally start to lose muscle—a process known as sarcopenia. This decline in muscle […]


What if I told you that your post-workout recovery depends on more than just rest? True fitness is about more than just physical strength or endurance—it’s the balance of a healthy body, mind, and spirit. True fitness also emphasizes sustainable habits, such as proper nutrition, quality sleep, and stress management, to create a resilient and healthy lifestyle. […]


We all know how essential sleep is, yet so often it goes overlooked until a problem arises. Sleep is such an important part of our health that sometimes it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. At some point in our lives, each of us will experience a sleep disturbance. For many, this may mean difficulty falling asleep […]