Nature’s Sunshine – The Industry Leader in Quality Health Supplements

The purpose of the natural supplement industry is to provide products that enhance and support the health and wellness of today’s modern consumer. Nature’s Sunshine has over 50 years in the health industry and is dedicated to providing the best quality ingredients, with products that produce real results when used properly.

Nature’s Sunshine is known throughout the world as a leader in natural health products. Much of their success is due to the continued research and development dedicated to achieving the best, quality products for consumers. Unlike many companies, Nature’s Sunshine outsources very little of its research, ensuring the majority of the processes are done in house to the highest quality standards.

Testing and quality are next to none ! Nature’s Sunshine products use more than 580 sequences to determine the purity, quality and potency of all of its Natural products…. This is amazing stuff. Every raw material and finished product that passes through its lab, must undergo 10 days of Quality control testing to verify it is pure, clean and ready for market.

I have been using these products for more that 40 years and are a key attribute in the success of my clients. At the Herb Coach and Nature’s sunshine we believe in Natural healing power.

Jean Dansereau – The Herb Coach with over 40 years as a Master Herbalist, I have helped thousands of clients achieve optimum health using herbal remedies and T.C.M.

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