Non-toxic Products

Regardless of nationality, language, or culture, the ultimate goal of almost every person on earth is to simply, “live a great life!” With that understanding, our mission and our focus becomes very clear! We simply help people have a great life! That starts with helping them have a better life!

To Enhance the Lives of Those We Touch by Helping People Reach Their Goals.


Six Key Factors

After years of talking to literally thousands of people around the world we’ve learned that the components that people feel would be necessary for someone to have what they could define as “a great life” are virtually the same all over the world regardless of culture or nationality. There are six key factors! So our efforts are focused on helping people achieve those six factors.

Good Health

Great Relationships

Sufficient Resources

Find Your Purpose



Doing Good Where Good Is Needed

The Melaleuca Foundation was first created in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US. Nearly a million dollars was gifted to assist some of the tragedy’s forgotten families. In 2005, In just hours after Hurricane Katrina struck, The Melaleuca Foundation sent trucks loaded with relief supplies to the Gulf Coast and raised more than $1 million for Katrina relief aid. Since then, The Melaleuca Foundation has continued to alleviate suffering around the world during times of natural disaster and catastrophe. Additionally it is the sole supporter of the Santa Lucia Children’s home—a unique and essential orphanage in Quito, Ecuador.