We all know how essential sleep is, yet so often it goes overlooked until a problem arises. Sleep is such an important part of our health that sometimes it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. At some point in our lives, each of us will experience a sleep disturbance. For many, this may mean difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. It could also include waking up at odd times, feeling restless, being too hot, or needing to get up during the night because of a full bladder.

If you’ve ever struggled with restless nights, you’re not alone. No matter the issue, there are natural products or medications that can help us achieve the quality sleep we’re all seeking. We understand how essential sleep is for children and the challenges they face when their rest is disturbed. Similarly, for many of us, poor sleep creates mental and emotional disturbances that affect how we interact with ourselves and others.

No matter what we take to try and induce ourselves to fall or stay asleep, the main goal is to establish how we need to feel when we get up in the morning. The product(s) is only of value if we get the results. But why is it that we sometimes overlook the root causes of our sleep issues?

I believe there are three things that all of us strive to have when we wake up in the morning. First is to feel physically rested, meaning we don’t feel tight or stiff and that we can move freely without any muscular aches. Secondly, we want to feel mentally refreshed, with a mind that feels rejuvenated. And the most important one is how easily your eyes open to your new day.

How your eyes feel in the morning is a really strong barometer of your quality of sleep, and the reason for that is because in TCM your eyes are related to your liver. Since your liver is also connected to your muscles, tendons, and ligaments, it only makes sense to support your liver during sleep to get the best results. What if your sleep struggles are telling you more about your overall health than you realize?

In TCM, the stress in our lives affects our liver the most, and in turn, our liver will express itself throughout our body, especially in neck and shoulder tension. So many times we treat the symptoms but never the cause, which is why TCM provides a different perspective on how to remedy our sleep.

Many foods, supplements, rituals, and practices are excellent to explore and try, but if you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, you might want to consider what TCM has to offer to help your liver. In my practice, I’ve seen firsthand how supporting liver health can transform sleep quality.

If you’re finding that common solutions aren’t working, explore how TCM’s unique approach to supporting liver health can improve your sleep and overall well-being. Let’s explore together how TCM can make a difference in your life. Reach out to learn more or take the first step toward better rest with TCM guidance.


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